Information: RCMP Online Entrance Assessment
Are you ready to embark on a rewarding career in law enforcement but feel overwhelmed by the daunting RCMP Online Entrance Assessment? At Cognitive Results, we specialize in turning your aspirations into reality with our comprehensive RCMP Online Entrance Assessment Program. Designed to address the academic aspect of the RCMP journey, our program provides the personalized coaching, practice tests, and study materials you need to succeed.
Discover how our proven strategies and expert guidance can transform your preparation and set you on the path to success in RCMP law enforcement. Read on to learn more about how Cognitive Results can be your ultimate partner in this crucial step towards your future career.
Latest Testimonials:
"Thank you for all of your help and support through this process! To recap I received my offer with XXX two weeks ago for the March intake at OPC. I know that all of the studying I did on your website has also prepared me for the next stage. Everything you teach is accurate and well worth the investment. I am glad I found you and got all of the guidance I needed along the way, including coaching. I will be recommending you in the future to other police applicants - you are the best!" February 16, 2025
"Thank you so much, I really appreciate your help and support. I have passed the (CBSA) exam with a good score. Sample exams were really helpful! (Client will be using the Interview Program and Coaching next.)" January 27, 2025
"Cognitive Results and Gillian were very helpful with the application process. The interview prep helped tremendously, having the video teaching along with the modules complement each other extremely well. The one-on-one coaching sessions were very helpful. Gillian took her time and I found the one-on-one coaching sessions prepared me well for my interview. Thank you again for all your help! " January 26, 2025
"Thank you! You've been the most help! I couldn't have done any of this without you. I'm so happy I reached out via email for help. (Client is all the way through and waiting for final papers to sign. Client had coaching for the interview and for the psych interview.)" January 7, 2025
"Yes, I got into XXX and I'm in the January class. The material was very useful and helped out a lot." December 23, 2024
“I had my testing yesterday morning. I have already been notified that I passed (as well as the interview). I want to thank you again for your much needed help and I very much appreciate the lengths you went through to make sure I was set up and good to go. We don’t have many people like you in this world anymore. I will for sure be passing your website along to others as it is good study material.” December 11, 2024
"I passed the psych and I'm officially hired now. It's been so helpful to have your coaching and I really think I couldn't have done it without you. More people need to know about you." November 29, 2024
RCMP Online Entrance Assessment Program
The RCMP Online Entrance Assessment takes 55 - 70 minutes to complete, with several timed portions. The RCMP Online Entrance Assessment includes the following six sections:
Section 1 - Workstyle Preference:
- Objective: Assess the candidate's personality traits and work-related preferences.
- Structure: The workstyle preference section includes questions that evaluate traits such as teamwork, leadership, stress tolerance, and adaptability. This part of the test helps determine if the candidate's personality and work preferences align with the demands of a policing career.
- Preparation with Cognitive Results: Reflect on personal traits and engage in self-assessment exercises to better understand and develop qualities crucial for law enforcement roles.
Section 2 - Language Comprehension:
- Objective: Assess the candidate's ability to understand and interpret written information.
- Structure: This section includes reading passages followed by questions that test comprehension, vocabulary, and the ability to draw inferences from the text. Candidates must demonstrate their understanding of main ideas, supporting details, and implied meanings.
- Preparation with Cognitive Results: Engage in targeted reading exercises and comprehension drills that mirror the RCMP test format, helping you build skills in interpreting and analyzing written information. Expand vocabulary through targeted practice exercises.
Section 3 - Numerical Skills:
- Objective: Evaluate the candidate's proficiency with basic arithmetic and numerical reasoning.
- Structure: Questions in this section cover a range of mathematical concepts, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, percentages, and problem-solving involving numerical data. Candidates are tested on their ability to perform calculations accurately and interpret numerical information.
- Preparation with Cognitive Results: Utilize practice tests and numerical problem-solving exercises to enhance your arithmetic and reasoning skills, focusing on speed and accuracy.
Section 4 - Spatial Skills:
- Objective: Measure the candidate's ability to visualize and manipulate objects in space.
- Structure: This section presents problems involving shapes, patterns, and spatial relationships. Candidates must demonstrate their ability to understand and solve problems related to spatial orientation and visualization.
- Preparation with Cognitive Results: Engage in spatial reasoning exercises designed to improve your ability to visualize and manipulate objects effectively.
Section 5 - Memory Quotient:
- Objective: Assess the candidate's ability to recall and use information.
- Structure: The memory section tests short-term and long-term memory through various exercises. Candidates might be asked to remember sequences of numbers, words, or visual patterns and recall them after a brief interval.
- Preparation with Cognitive Results: Participate in memory enhancement exercises and drills that focus on improving both short-term and long-term recall abilities.
Section 6a - Business Reasoning with Verbal Reasoning:
- Objective: Evaluate the candidate's ability to understand, analyze, and draw logical conclusions from written information.
- Structure: This section includes questions based on passages, where candidates must identify arguments, detect logical fallacies, and infer meanings. The focus is on assessing the candidate's critical thinking and reasoning skills with language.
- Preparation with Cognitive Results:Engage in critical reading and reasoning exercises to sharpen your ability to analyze and interpret complex texts.
Section 6b - Business Reasoning with Numerical Reasoning:
- Objective: Measure the candidate's ability to work with numerical data and solve quantitative problems.
- Structure: The numerical reasoning section involves interpreting data from tables, charts, and graphs, as well as solving word problems that require mathematical calculations. This assesses the candidate's ability to apply numerical information in practical situations.
- Preparation with Cognitive Results: Use data interpretation exercises and quantitative problem-solving tasks to build your proficiency in handling numerical information.