Expert Police Test and Interview Preparation

About Cognitive Results

Have we met?

Does this describe you? You want to be in the police services field and you want to be efficient at the process - after all, time is money, and jobs in this field are well-paid. You're highly qualified, you volunteer, and you are fit. Now it's just your police test or, alternatively, your interview holding you back.

Perhaps you've tried your test already and are waiting to re-write, or perhaps you're proactive and don't want to spend the time learning along the way by failing so searched for the right teaching company. You're likely an optimizer who wants to be efficient and get the job done.

Congratulations because you found us and you're ready to work with the right teaching!

With over 40,000 questions and over 200 videos, and ongoing content being added, the competition can't even start to match the depth of material offered.

Our Story

Cognitive Results is a passion project. In 2005, Gillian was full-time math specialist (Ontario Certified Teacher and a Professional Engineer) with a husband pursuing policing. The police testing and interviews at the time seemed disorganized and very little information was available. Gillian extended her math teaching services to include the Ontario police test and started coaching for the interviews when clients requested the help.

Word spread and Gillian started teaching police applicants from all over the province. There was a true need to help good people succeed in policing. Next was the creation of practice material to help clients in-between sessions. To do this, Gillian created a website that was able to deliver tests.

The word kept spreading and loyal clients were instrumental. All of this with no advertising and very little social media (Twitter was added a few years ago to help clients stay up on hiring notifications).

The last pieces of the full program were to create complete video courses for both the test programs and the interview program. This enabled Gillian to help more people than she had prior at a much lower investment. The current programs are a quarter of the original price and include far more material than before.

The program took the original teaching material, honed from years of in-person sessions, and added a good 50% more. Now Gillian could take the concepts and really break them down so that a client could start with little knowledge and build up gradually. Over 200 videos were created.

All of the material and videos were re-done in 2019. As we know, technology changes and Gillian wanted to be sure that the programs were current technologically. The content itself is always being updated, so that was not an issue.

As always, feedback from clients has set us apart since we do our own web development we are able to make changes immediately on the site. You'll find we are virtually error-free as a result as well.

Cognitive Results has been created one question at a time by a Certified Ontario Teacher (since 1988) and Professional Engineer (since 1984). This is a full-time business, with full-time hours. The sheer number of hours this business takes is mind-boggling. But passion projects tend to expand!


Integrity and Ethics

One-on-one coaching is an option with current clients. Our teaching material is exceptional but there is no substitute for an experienced coach reviewing your scenarios and going over additional expectations that are not common knowledge.

Gillian's passion is seeing you succeed. Her methods work because they are tried and tested to be true. Feedback from loyal client successes have honed our programs. Years of teaching police applicants has resulted in amazing success rates for clients.

You are taught WHAT to learn, HOW to learn, and HOW to approach the police services jobs with the right mindset and attitude. It's not just about having good credentials. There's more to it.

There is no substitute for a good teacher who is passionate about both the material and your success!
