In order to apply, OPP no longer requires an OACP Certificate as of January 1, 2019. BUT you will still have to take the SIGMA SSPO testing after the interview is passed.
The OPP SIGMA SSPO police test is what OPP uses and has done so for years and years. OPP police preparation is still essential, not only for the test but also for the interview.
Why does OPP no longer require the OACP Certificate?
With demographics indicating increased hiring for police service, along with hiring more women and visible minorities, police services have been struggling to find good candidates. OPP has particularly struggled in its northern communities with hiring. To remedy this, OPP now waives the OACP Certificate, but it does require you to write the SIGMA SSPO (at their cost).
You Will Still Have to Write the SIGMA SSPO!
The OPP is using the SIGMA SSPO as part of their own testing. Currently, this test is the same one as being used for the OACP Certificate. So you have to write it anyway!
You Will Score Higher in the Process with Your OACP
Feedback has been clients who have their OACP Certificate get interviews quicker than those who do not.
You will rank higher upon application to the OPP by having the OACP Certificate. You will show you are a self-starter.
You open up applications to other police services in Ontario by having your OACP Certificate. You will show the OPP that you have the cognitive abilities needed plus you will show that you are a self-starter.
OPP SIGMA SSPO Test Preparation is Essential
The OPP SIGMA SSPO police test is difficult. It is a form of IQ test for policing skills and aptitudes; in fact, it is primarily a cognitive skill test. You cannot finish this test in the time given. The SIGMA SSPO measures speed, accuracy, intelligence, and performance under pressure. Do not underestimate the SIGMA SSPO.
Why High Scores Matter on the SIGMA SSPO Police Test
To clarify, the OPP recruiters can view your detailed results. They can see your weaknesses. There is no hiding with these results. No simple pass or fail. They will see all of your strengths and weaknesses. Doesn't it make sense to optimize your results with excellent preparation?
Moreover, OPP recruiters will invite you in for an interview only if your results are high enough to meet their standards. Therefore, you must work hard at your preparation and perform to a high enough standard to get to the next stage.
The results are not shown to you, the applicant. As a result, the only way you're going to know you didn't do well is if you are not invited to interview with the police services. How hard is the OPP SIGMA SSPO police test? Hard. Not only due to the test itself, but due to the new process.
Cognitive Results is Both Efficient and Effective for Your Police Test
We have helped hundreds of police candidates since 2005. Certainly, with that many years of experience, we are experts in police preparation and testing. We treat our clients fairly and honestly. Despite changing metrics, we strive to provide up-to-date information for all programs.
All of our police test teaching, practice, and video courses are created by a Certified Teacher and a Professional Engineer. We continually add material and expand our programs. We continue to be the best resource for police applicants like you. All of this takes hard work and continued effort, but this is our full-time occupation, and we take this seriously - just like you take policing seriously.