Study for the OACP Certificate
Clear Information on the OACP Ontario Police Certificate Testing
There is a sea of incorrect information about the current OACP Certificate Tests. So today, we are going to talk about how to study for the OACP Certificate, along with what to expect and how to optimize your police applicant journey.
It just makes sense to use Cognitive Results (since 2005) to study for the OACP Certificate using our very best, up-to-date teaching and practice program. Scoring high on the SIGMA SSPO helps you proceed to the next stage of your police career journey, the interviews.
Overview of the OACP Ontario Police Tests
Firstly, there is no pass/fail component for the OACP tests. Secondly, you must meet a mystery police services profile. For example, you must meet a certain score for the math component of the SIGMA SSPO. This score is a statistically-based percentile where you are compared to others who took the test during the test creation phase years ago.
Is the SIGMA SSPO Police Test Part of the OACP Testing?
Yes! Wait what? Doesn't OPP, York, and Peel use this too?
Yes! It's the same test.

Give Me More Information on the SIGMA SSPO Police Test
The OACP calls the SIGMA SSPO "Part B." The SIGMA SSPO has two sections:
- Section A has 44 multiple choice spelling, vocabulary, punctuation, and grammar questions.
- Section B has 30 multiple choice police problem-solving questions. The math questions relate to travel and distance.
What About the Math on the SIGMA SSPO Police Test?
- The math questions on the SIGMA SSPO are heavily weighted scoring-wise. Each one counts relatively more. Get fast and accurate with your math skills using our Cognitive Results program videos.
- Importantly, if you mess up or don't answer the math questions, that will count against you since you are eliminating questions relating to an important measure of police logic, essential to the job. Don't get caught.
- You never go wrong with math proficiency in your police journey. Furthermore, tests used by the services beyond the OACP Certificate usually have math in them as well. Even one of the commonly used personality tests has math on it, which is unexpected.
More Details on Timing and Guessing on the SIGMA SSPO Police Test
- You have 35 minutes to complete all 74 questions.
- Importantly, you should avoid guessing because there is a penalty for selecting incorrect answers.
- The time limit per section is quite short because this is a standardized test. Although it's frustrating, you must prepare enough to improve your speed.
- The time given and scoring rubric is exactly the same for each individual writing the SIGMA SSPO. It is a standardized test.
- The SIGMA SSPO is extremely difficult to finish, but you can complete more than your competition with correct preparation. Cognitive Results has found that well-prepared clients answer about 65 of the 74 questions and move on to the Interview stage.

Can I Use a Calculator on the SIGMA SSPO Police Test?
- Paper and pencil/pen only; no calculators or electronic devices are permitted.
- We can help you with your math skills through our video program that goes step-by-step through the basic math skills up to the more complex travel time problem soling methods.
- We teach you how to get fast at this with tips and tricks as well. Time is super important on the OACP SIGMA SSPO.
What About the Personality Test for the OACP Ontario Police Certificate?
- Part C is a set of multiple choice questions that ask your opinion on a variety of scenarios that most accurately and least accurately describe your personality.
- This section is not timed, but takes on average 30 - 50 minutes to complete.
- We can teach you about the intention behind the questions, and you can prepare yourself for this test using our program. The official OACP documentation says that you can't prepare for this, but research studies have shown you CAN. Why leave it to chance?
What is the Best Way to Study for the OACP Ontario Police Certificate?
- We have been preparing police applicants for their aptitude tests since 2005. The SIGMA SSPO has been around for a long time and as such, we have great experience with this test along with years of client feedback.
- Our Police Test Program includes the preparation for both of the tests on the OACP Certificate plus all of our other test material, such as, CBSA, Canadian Forces, and RCMP.
- Using our program will prepare you properly because it is thorough and extensive. You still have to do the work to prepare for these difficult tests, but we have worked hard on your behalf to teach you.
- You are not given your scores so you will have to wait until a year to re-write if you do poorly or don't meet the standards of the police service.